
Welcome fellow foodie

Sorry, the only porn you find here is food porn. Other people might meditate or run marathons, I cook! That's my Zen.

I hope you find inspiration and great recipes for your cooking here.

Portrait photo by the talented Lisbeth Holten


Sweet Potato Soup with Spinach and Hazelnuts

Sweet Potato Soup with Spinach and Hazelnuts

With temperatures below zero, soup is the perfect winter warmer. I made this recipe to accommodate my semi vegan daughter. She has a craving for spinach, I think it might be of the high content of iron in this leaf vegetable. Serve it as a starter or with some bread as a main course.

Ingredients (serve 4)

3-4 sweet potatoes

2 onions

2 stalks of celery or 1/4 of celeriac

1 chili

400 gram spinach

100 gram Hazelnuts

1 tin of coconut milk

2 teaspoon garam masala

2 teaspoon cumin (spidskommen)

1 cube of vegetable stock


salt/ pepper

Grated nutmeg

2 knob garlic


Peel the sweet potatoes and cut into cubes. Cut the 0nions into 6 wedges. Cut the celery or peeled celeriac into small pieces. Cut the chili (take the pips out if you want a milder result). Heat a generous knob of coconut oil up in a big pan. Fry the vegaeables and spices (except nutmeg and garlic). Fry for 5 minutes. Ad the coconut milk and a little water just enough to cover. Boil on low-medium heat for 20-30 minutes till the vegetables are tender. Blend and ad vegatable stock and salt and pepper to taste.

Rinse the spinach. Chop two garlic knobs finely. sweat the garlic in some coconut oil ad the spinach. When the spinach has wilted grate some nutmeg and ad salt and pepper.

In a frying pan ad a bit of oil. Ad the chopped hazelnuts. Spinkle some salt and some chili powder if you want more heat.

Serve the soup with the spinach and the nuts sprinkled on top. Enjoy!

Gado Gado Salad - my version

Gado Gado Salad - my version

Rice pudding Pancakes - 'Klatkager'

Rice pudding Pancakes - 'Klatkager'