
Welcome fellow foodie

Sorry, the only porn you find here is food porn. Other people might meditate or run marathons, I cook! That's my Zen.

I hope you find inspiration and great recipes for your cooking here.

Portrait photo by the talented Lisbeth Holten


Avocado, Radish and Fresh Pea Salad

Avocado, Radish and Fresh Pea Salad

A beautiful simple summer salad, great with fish or chicken.


For the salad

  • 1 romaine salad

  • 8 radishes

  • 1 big avocado or 2 small ones

  • 2 handfuls of fresh shelled peas

  • Fresh dill

For the dressing

  • Juice of 1/2 lemon

  • 1 tsp of maple sirup

  • 1 tsp of Dijon mustard

  • 3 tbsp of virgin olive oil

  • salt and pepper


  1. Rinse the salad and tear into smaller pieces. Slice the avocado arrange on top.

  2. Slice the radishes into thin slivers. shell the peas.

  3. Mix the Dijon mustard with the lemon juice and syrup, when the mustard has been dissolved pour in the olive oil slowly. ad the salt and pepper and pour the dressing over the salad.

  4. Garnish with dill and serve.

Raspberry Layer Cake

Raspberry Layer Cake

Beetrooot and Butterbean Dip

Beetrooot and Butterbean Dip