
Welcome fellow foodie

Sorry, the only porn you find here is food porn. Other people might meditate or run marathons, I cook! That's my Zen.

I hope you find inspiration and great recipes for your cooking here.

Portrait photo by the talented Lisbeth Holten


Buttenut Squash Soup

Buttenut Squash Soup

Butternut squash soup


  • 1 butternut squash

  • 2 big onions

  • 2 sweet potatoes

  • 2 vegetable or chicken stock cubes

  • 1 chili

  • A thumb size piece of ginger, peeled

  • Juice from two oranges

  • 1 tbsp of ground cumin

  • 1 tbsp of ground coriander

  • 1 tub of full fat creme fraiche or soured cream or extra thick single cream

  • Water

  • Olive oil or butter

  • A bunch of fresh coriander


  1. Peel the butternut squash, sweet potato and onions and cut into big chunks. Peel the ginger. Slice the Chili and discard the seeds if you want it mild and keep them in if you want more heat.

  2. Melt a knob of butter or the olive oil in a big pot. Stir in the spices and roast for a few minutes, ad the vegetable and let them fry for a bit without browning.

  3. Pour water over the vegetables so it just cover and boil them till they are very soft. Ad the stock cubes.

  4. Blitz the vegetables with a blender and stir in the creme fraiche and orange juice.

  5. Ad salt and pepper.

  6. Serve with fresh coriander and nan bread or pita.

It's a big portion of soup, I often recycle it in a veggie curry as it makes a great thick base.

You can easily change this recipe to suit a vegan diet by replacing the cream/ creme fraiche with a tin of coconut milk. Pour in the coconut milk before the water and ad then water till it covers the vegetable. Replace butter with olive oil.

Tomato and Avocado Salad with Bread Croutons

Tomato and Avocado Salad with Bread Croutons

Beetroot Salad with Ricotta and Sweet Chilli Almonds

Beetroot Salad with Ricotta and Sweet Chilli Almonds