
Welcome fellow foodie

Sorry, the only porn you find here is food porn. Other people might meditate or run marathons, I cook! That's my Zen.

I hope you find inspiration and great recipes for your cooking here.

Portrait photo by the talented Lisbeth Holten


Nutty Lime Cake with Blueberries and Raspeberries

Nutty Lime Cake with Blueberries and Raspeberries


For the cake:

  • 5 egg whites

  • 250 ml/ 2,5 dl sugar

  • 125 gr almonds finely chopped

  • 125 gr hazelnuts finely chopped

  • 100 gr butter melted and cooled

  • 1 tbsp white bread flour (leave out for gluten free version)

  • 1 tsp of backing powder

  • For the filling

  • 2 tubs of mascarpone (400 gr)

  • Juice and zest from 4 limes

  • 150 ml/ 1,5 dl of icing sugar (or more if you like it sweeter)

  • 1 vanilla pod or vanilla sugar or extract

  • 200 gr of raspberries

  • 150 gr of blueberries


  1. Melt the butter and leave to cool.

  2. Blitz the nuts in a blender.

  3. Whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks, ad the sugar little at the time.

  4. Ad nuts and butter to the egg whites, sieve the flour and baking powder and mix gently.

  5. butter the sides of a round baking tray dust with flour, cut out a round shape of baking paper to cover the bottom of the tray. Pour in the mix.

  6. Bake in the middle of the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes. check with a fork that the cake has set in the middle, if not bake for a little longer. Leave to cool before dividing into 2 layers.

  7. Grate the zest from the limes and leave half for decorating the cake . Mix the rest in with the mascarpone, lime juice and vanilla seeds, sieve in the icing sugar, taste the mix and add more sugar, if you like it sweeter.

  8. Put a layer of the mascarpone mix on the bottom layer of cake, scatter the raspberries on top. Cover with the second layer of cake and scoop the remaining mascarpone mix on top. Decorate with blueberries and lime zest.

Gravad Cod with Scordalia (Garlic Mash Potatoes)

Gravad Cod with Scordalia (Garlic Mash Potatoes)

Tomato and Avocado Salad with Bread Croutons

Tomato and Avocado Salad with Bread Croutons