
Welcome fellow foodie

Sorry, the only porn you find here is food porn. Other people might meditate or run marathons, I cook! That's my Zen.

I hope you find inspiration and great recipes for your cooking here.

Portrait photo by the talented Lisbeth Holten


Herb and Potato Pizza with Ricotta Cheese

Herb and Potato Pizza with Ricotta Cheese

Cheap and easy to make


makes 2 pizzas, enough for 4 people


For the dough

500 gr. strong white flour

1,5 tsp of dry yeast or 30 gr. fresh yeast

1 tsp of salt

1 tsp of sugar (if you want it)

325 ml. of water

For the topping

2 tbsp of pesto (readymade or make your own out of 3 cloves of garlic, a handful of herbs. I used marjoram, oregano and basil, 2 tbsp of olive oil. Put in a blender and whizz)

5 potatoes

2 onions (or 1 big one)¨¨

1 tub of ricotta cheese

a handful of grated cheddar cheese

fresh sprigs of rosemary and/ or sage


Mix the dry yeast in with flour, salt and sugar. ad the water and mix well.

Put in the fridge for at least 5 hours or up till 7 days. The longer it stays in the fridge the more chewy the consistency.

Peal and slice the potatoes into super thin slices. Leave in water till you need them. Meanwhile make the pesto, slice the onions and grate the cheese.

Divide the dough into 2. Flour the table and roll out the dough as thin as possible for each pizza. I found a brilliant baking tray for it, it has small holes that allow the hot air to come in. It makes a delicious crusty pizza.

smear the pesto on the pizza dough. Drain the potatoes and dry the in a clean tea towel. Put the potato slices on the pizza. Scatter the onion and grated cheddar and put dollops of ricotta cheese on to the pizza. Scatter the rosemary and sage on top.

Bake the pizza for 10-12 minutes in a hot oven, 220°.

Serve with a green salad.


Rice pudding Pancakes - 'Klatkager'

Rice pudding Pancakes - 'Klatkager'

Beetroot Blinis with Smoked Salmon and Caviar

Beetroot Blinis with Smoked Salmon and Caviar